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Firefox: S3.Translator

Дата последнего изменения: 29 Ноября 2021
Метки статьи: Готовые решения, © Авторское, Soft, Firefox
S3.Translator - это дополнение к браузеру, которое упростит вам посещение не русскоязычных сайтов.

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please try restart browser after change to "translate.google.cn"
Dennis (гость) • ответить
I've double checked, and found:
A. in my Windows XP + firefox ESR (version: 52.9.0 (32-bit)), it works all right with "translate.google.cn".
B. in my Windows 10 + Firefox Quantum (version: 59.0.3(6-bit)), it always tried to access "translate.google.com" and failed, even after I restarted the Firefox. (I can see it showed "Settings saved" after I changed the configuration).
Dennis (гость) • ответить
I've checked this issue again, as:
A. in my Debian unstable + Firefox Quantum(59.0.2(32-bit)), it works all right.
B. in my Debian unstable + Firefox ESR (52.5.3(64-bit)), it failes.
So combine my above test, now my conclusions is: this issue is not caused by the OS, but only happens in Firefox 64-bit.
but only happens in Firefox 64-bit.

the work of the extension does not depend on the bit depth of the browser.
apparently in the browser itself there are some problems
try to directly open translate.google.cn link and see what happens.
it is possible that the browser cache has a "stuck" redirect from translate.google.cn to translate.google.com
General Failure (гость) • ответить
Hi Oleksandr
when you select a text in a web page three icons appear, making the text unreadable. Is it possible to switch that off? (I can still use the button in the toolbar)
S3.Translator - Settings - Translate text - Selected text - Display icons after selecting text
Анатолий (гость) • ответить
Я давно пользуюсь вашим дополнением. Оно для меня лучшее.
Но у меня браузер Pale Moon (на базе FireFox) и я не могу пользоваться новыми версиями, а только старой. Нельзя ли исправить положение?

С уважением
дождитесь обновления PaleMoon или перейдите на актуальную версию Firefox или Chrome
SuggestionAN0 (гость) • ответить
Hi Hello !
I'm writing to you in hopes that you will read my suggestion as I don't want to poorly review the chrome extension just for the sake of a feature suggestion, or rather feature fix/touch-up.

I often highlight text which I simply want to google or inspect or etc. which is just a right-click away. The 3 buttons which pop-up RIGHT NEXT TO the mouse are rather frustrating.. Please give us an option to offset the buttons popping up by a few px (pixels) away from the mouse. This should give us room to perform the right click without 'accidentally' right clicking the buttons and thus causes the highlight to be removed and I have to re-highlight everything all over again- usually just for this to get in my way a 2nd, 3rd, and maybe 4th or more time.... Really really really frustrating!!! As a hobbyist programmer myself I may even look into how hard this is to implement myself... But in that case, no one would be able to benefit from it besides me and I believe this feature must be incorporated as soon as possible as I cannot be the only user suffering this issue
create txt-file, write in file:
.s3gt_translate_tooltip_mini_box .s3gt_translate_tooltip_mini {
margin-left: 10px;
margin-top: 20px;

fly-window - settings - theme - custom file...

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