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Firefox: S3.Translator

Дата последнего изменения: 29 Ноября 2021
Метки статьи: Готовые решения, © Авторское, Soft, Firefox
S3.Translator - это дополнение к браузеру, которое упростит вам посещение не русскоязычных сайтов.

Похожие материалы:

Kobayashi Fubuki (гость) • ответить
Can you support S3.Google Translator in Opera or Chrome? I would love to use S3.Google Translator, but I only like Opera, I do not like using Firefox
For Chrome - in the work plan
Dave (гость) • ответить
For me this is one of the most important FF & TB extensions. Is there any possibility of adding a user definable option to disable the copied text pop-up?
type in address bar: about:config
search: extensions.s3gt.copy_clipboard_notification
set: false
Kobayashi Fubuki (гость) • ответить
That's good, I'm waiting to be using S3.Google Translator in Chrome ^^
Roman Ovchinnikov (гость) • ответить
S3.Google Translator
Version 5.31
Not compatible with multiprocess.

и соотвественно не работает multiprocess режим. Firefox 52.0.2 (32-bit)
я в курсе
но администрация мозиллы разрешила авторам не париться с мультипроцессорностью, что бы освободить время на переделку аддонов под WebExtensions:
This means that developers who haven’t set this flag don’t have to worry about multiprocess compatibility and can focus on WebExtensions and the Firefox 57 deadline.

Roman Ovchinnikov (гость) • ответить
ну т.е. ждем 57ой версии, не раньше, я верно понимаю?
Я очень надеюсь что я успею сделать версию под WebExtensions намного раньше
Kleon I. (гость) • ответить
Hello Alexander,
and thank you for your great work.

Until a week ago, in the flying window, in the panel which contains the translation of my text segment, I could click on separate words or phrases and get 4 or 5 alternative translations.
But now, this can only be done for the whole sentence only. Not word by word or phrase by phrase as it was the case until now. Only to full periods, and usually there are only two alternative translation of the whole sentence with almost no differences between them.
Well, this is frustrating.

I can't remember if I changed something in the settings. I think I didn't.
Is it possible that this malfunction has appeared because of a new version?

I went through the settings and I didn't find any relevant setting. I even restored a last year backup of my settings, and the problem persists.

Can you tell me what to do in order to restore the old very effective function on this issue?

Thank you in advance,
Kleon I.
Thessaloniki, Greece

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