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Firefox: S3.Translator

Дата последнего изменения: 29 Ноября 2021
Метки статьи: Готовые решения, © Авторское, Soft, Firefox
S3.Translator - это дополнение к браузеру, которое упростит вам посещение не русскоязычных сайтов.

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Руслан (гость) • ответить
Мне кажется окно перевода должно появляться или под мышкой или над, чтобы не перекрывать читаемую строчку.
напишите на форуме https://forum.mozilla-russia.org/viewtopic.php?id=54242
я вам подскажу как настроить
4+8+3 (гость) • ответить
I’ve checked it, Bravo!
I have posted your add-on on Facebook (700 so called friends, not mention groups a few minutes ago (with instructions). Already quite a few thumbs up and pending).
And I’ve told them to give you a credit you deserve.
Thank you!
Luc (гость) • ответить
Hi Alex,

I would love it if you could add a fourth button to S3.Google.Translator. It would allow the user to search the selected word(s) through the Google search engine, prompting a Google page about the selection .

The reason : the Google Translator, though generally useful, often returns the word to be translated as the answer when it can't find a translation. The user must then go through the browser's right-mouse-button menu to search the selection in Google to get the meaning of the selection. That is a hassle that could be awoided if S3.Google.Translator could allow the user to do it directly with a button. I believe no other application offers this advantage.

Thanks for considering this.
please send me letter for more details about your suggestion: pag77@mail.ru
Write (гость) • ответить
Ciao Alex,
Text play-back speed fixed at 100% is still too slow ( I'm on italian language ).
How to speed up more ? It's possible ? may be thought a work around ?
My best regards an my congratulation for Your very good plugin
I'll add your suggestion in work plan.
Thank you.
Robert (гость) • ответить
Thanks for S3GT.
It would be good to support attribute translate=no. It described in https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-translate-flag.en
It is useful for writing pages width source codes, the names of musical groups, etc ...
Example: 'Source code is <PRE translate=no>var margin = "123px"</PRE>.'
The word "margin" should be not translated.
for translation full-page?
I'm sorry, that's impossible.
Page translates using google-widget, so you need to contact them:

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