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Firefox: Менеджер загрузок (S3)

Дата последнего изменения: 5 Августа 2014
Метки статьи: Готовые решения, © Авторское, Soft, Firefox
Менеджер загрузок (S3) - это дополнение к браузеру Firefox , которое поможет вам контролировать свои Загрузки
Это новая жизнь для старого известного дополнения Download Statusbar , которое, в связи с критическими изменениями в Firefox 26+, перестало работать

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dude (гость) • ответить
Why does this addon block virustotal's website from working properly? It was driving me crazy trying to figure out what was causing it. I see this problem has been going on for months. If you're not going to fix it because of greed then I'm going to use a different addon.
RalphS (гость) • ответить
When printing a web page, it would be better if the bar is not part of the printed page.
Stefan (гость) • ответить
Sorry, if there is another place where to report a (possible) bug, but so far I couldn't find out *where*. Right-clicking on a downloaded file in the S3 Statusbar and clicking on `Checksum` opens the corresponding window, but the checksums are not calculated. Instead the progress bar just shows "please wait...".

But if I right-click on the free space in the S3 statusbar, click on `Checksum for any file` and choose *the same file* as before, then it works ...
Tomahawk (гость) • ответить
I have this bug, too
Mario (гость) • ответить
Hello, please bugfix with virustotal webpage, can't use that website with DOWNLOAD MANAGER (S3) and I have to deactivate it..
А что случилось с хром версией? Я нашёл его тут. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/download-manager-s3/ngmcjenopiialholjggicgplegmcmjda?hl=ru-RU Его разработкой теперь занимается кто-то другой? Просят кидать багрепорты сюда http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=2793995 . Давно пользовался этим расширением, а теперь что-то побаиваюсь его скачивать. =.=
Hello Oaksander . . .

I love Download Status Bar and have used it for many years. I use it with Firefox V96.0.3. Yesterday I updated to Apple Mac OS X V 12.2 Monterey and now there are display problems with Download Status Bar.v The text is the same color as the background tabs. I cannot upload a screenshot to show you. Your image attachment will only allow URLs. I was able to solve the problem by using Dark Reader add-on to force your page into Dark Mode, which it was not doing all by itself. But now I have black text in blue and gray tabs, as it did in the past.

Hello Oleksandr, I have donated to support you. Right now, however, the downloads go to my Temp folder - I configured Firefox to download to the desktop. Is that destination (Temp folder) the intention of this app or am I doing something wrong?
Marek (гость) • ответить
Qbic (гость) • ответить
Is there any way to just double click the "item" in the download panel and run it directly like that (you know, like it used to work before) without the stupid and unnecessary "click here to run this file" popup?

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