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Firefox: Менеджер загрузок (S3)

Дата последнего изменения: 5 Августа 2014
Метки статьи: Готовые решения, © Авторское, Soft, Firefox
Менеджер загрузок (S3) - это дополнение к браузеру Firefox , которое поможет вам контролировать свои Загрузки
Это новая жизнь для старого известного дополнения Download Statusbar , которое, в связи с критическими изменениями в Firefox 26+, перестало работать

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Artur (гость) • ответить
Addon is great, but i think You can add: minimise to tray.
4399 (гость) • ответить
Can anyone tell me what the folllowing warnings mean? I am not a programmer but I was the one who filed the bug in Firefox that broke Download Manasger S3 and they actually fixed the bug. So DLMS3 is working but I was troubleshooting Grammarly and found this related to DLMS3

Abdou (гость) • ответить
Hello Oleksandr
In the download history window, if you right click an element it is not selected automatically
For example: you left click an element A it will be active, so if you right click a second element B and delete it you will delete A and not B

Thank you
Stavros (гость) • ответить
I would love to have the option to change the font family! Bravo! keep up the good job!
Mike (гость) • ответить
When I select to open a downloaded exe-file, why does the extension open an intermediate prompt asking me if I want to open it instead of opening the file directly.
It's unnecessary and suspicious to have a prompt from the extension saying "Click here to run this file" before it runs the file.
//Best regards
unknown (гость) • ответить
what happened to the chrome version? The chrome webstore says page not found when using the link provided in the firefox version. Also search of store doesn't provide it by name. Where can i get it? It has been my favorite extension and I have used it since the old version (s3.dowoload manager) Thank uo
Eric (гость) • ответить
Dear Sirs,

Have been happily using the S3DSB for years now, but recently, on all browsers on which it is installed, right-clicking on a downloaded file and next left-clicking on the Open control does ... NOTHING!
BTW: Left-clicking on the Open Container Folder reacts correctly, as expected.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance for your prompt & helpful reply,

Stay safe,


DavidGB (гость) • ответить
You should put the Google Chrome version in the Microsoft Edge Extensions/Add-ons store too - installing it into the new Chromium Edge from the Chrome extensios store it works fine.

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