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Firefox: Менеджер загрузок (S3)

Дата последнего изменения: 5 Августа 2014
Метки статьи: Готовые решения, © Авторское, Soft, Firefox
Менеджер загрузок (S3) - это дополнение к браузеру Firefox , которое поможет вам контролировать свои Загрузки
Это новая жизнь для старого известного дополнения Download Statusbar , которое, в связи с критическими изменениями в Firefox 26+, перестало работать

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Brett (гость) • ответить
Additional information: Problem happens only when "Keep a download history" is unchecked.
When download history is enabled, all is well! Problem solved for me.
ok, thank you!
meow (гость) • ответить
плагин не определяет тип и имена скачиваемых файлов.
Пожалуйста отправьте информацию о проблеме на форум:
Radoslav (гость) • ответить
I think there's a bug in this addon (Firefox 61.0.1 x64, Linux Mint 18.3) - when it starts downloading a large file, the speed and the time left constantly change between 8 MB/sec and 15 MB/sec, thus never showing the real download speed and time left. Considering my network is limited to 100 Mbit (12.5 MB/sec), I think the 15 MB/sec is an impossible speed and is part of the bug.
this is the approximate speed, it is calculated by the parameters transferred from Firefox.
jesus.sancho@salesianos.es (гость) • ответить
In Firefox 61.0.2 the Download manager (S3) is not able to remove the completed downloads from the mozilla firefox downloads catalog. In the manager the list appears empty, but in the catalog all the previous downloads remain stored.
I have selected the option "delete the finished downloads when clowsing the navigator" but it doesn't seem to work.
In the old downloads status bar you could close Firefox and the download continued until a pop-up appeared to inform that all te downloads were completed. Now if you close firefox the process ends and no notice is prompted to avoid it.

Thanks for your attention.
Thank you for your bug-report!
Klax (гость) • ответить
Where is the function "rename file" which was available in the old version. That was a precious tool in your status bar.
Sorry, but this Firefox WebExtensions API limitations

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