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Отзывы и предложения

Дата последнего изменения: 15 Августа 2009
Метки статьи: Отзывы и предложения
Собственно тут оставляем все свои отзывы, пожелания и предложения

Jesper Hendze (гость) • ответить
Hello Alexander,
I have tried to donate via Firefox/PayPal many times, but after pressing "donate" the page turns bluish and nothing happens!
I have great use of especially your Screengrab.
Best wishes,
thank you for your report!
but I checked - everything works.
I think that the problem in your browser
Bob (гость) • ответить
Hi, I use PayPal all the time. I assure you that you have problems with the PayPal interface. I have tried it in IE, Firefox and Chrome. It gives this error when logging on "Please make sure you enter your email address and password correctly." I will gladly pay you if you give me your PayPal address. Cheers, Bob.
What is the name of the add-on for which you want to make a contribution?
Sunny (гость) • ответить
I am loving your Forecastfox add-on after having given up on Aniweather (which has recently gone buggy).

A couple of comments / suggestions / requests:

* I do not want a cluttered toolbar so I have chosen "no" for several of the Icon Display options. But I would still like to have access to this info. Please consider adding access to all of the info through the context menu (regardless of whether or not the icon is displayed).

* I would like to see icons for Now and Tomorrow (but not Today). You have already split off the Current Conditions option from Forecast Days. Consider adding a Today/Tonight option. The choices would then be: Current (Y/N), Today/Tonight (Y/N), Forecast Days (0-6).

* (Again trying to minimize the toolbar space) I would like to display tomorrow's Temperature without having to display the Day. Please consider splitting the Text Label option into separate Day and Temp options (for example: Forecast_Days=2, Day_Labels=1, and Temp_Labels=2 would result in " Now: 28° F ☽ | 56° F ☀ | ☁ " ).

* This one is rather picky (so feel free to ignore it): It would be lovely if I could choose the order of the Icons -- specifically to shove the radar icon to the far right.

But all of these suggestions are only offered to help improve an already wonderful add-on.

Keep up the great work!

~ Sunny Snaith
Thank you for your suggestions!
Александр (гость) • ответить
Добрый день!
Вопрос про Screengrab.
Сегодня перестала работать загрузка на imgur, Попробовал на imagebam - тоже не работает.
Спасает толко pho.to, но это уже последняя надежда.
В чем может быть проблема?
imagebam работает - проверено!
imgur - да, есть небольшие проблемы.
ждите обновление для Screengrab
Michael (гость) • ответить
Hallo, hiermit möchte ich mich herzlich für deine mühe bedanken. Gerne würde ich spenden aber uns geht es im moment finanziell eher schlecht. ich habe allerdings die werbung zugelassen. ich hoffe das hilft wenigstens etwas.

Schöne Grüsse aus leverkusen deutschland .

mit freundlichem gruss Michael Ritter
Thank you very much!

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