
10 Января 2025
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"Я знаю, что ничего не знаю, но многие не знают и этого". Сократ [?].

Firefox: Menu Wizard

Menu Wizard - это дополнение к браузеру Firefox , которое поможет вам настроить меню: удаление, перемещение и переименование. Так же поддерживается SeaMonkey и Thunderbird.

Russell (гость)
Thank you for your addons. They are perfect in Palemoon, because PM is never going down the web-extension path.

Your "S3.Google Translator" is listed in Palemoon Extensions https://addons.palemoon.org/extensions/ with a link to the mozilla AMO web page. Is there any other download source other than moz. AMO ?
If Mozilla remove non-WE addons from their list (at some time) your XUL addons will be lost.
Have you considered Github ? Personally I know nothing about Github other than I download apps and some exetnsions from Github

Would you mind if Palemoon listed "Menu Wizard" on Extensions page ?
I am sorry to hear your son is so ill with diabetes. It must be very difficult for you and your wife.
Every time I see your name or S3, you stay in my thoughts for several minutes.
I hope users of your software are being generous with financial donations.

Thank you once again
Russell (in Australia)

On Palemoon forum I am "bawldiggle" you can send a message from there.
- I dont want to enter my email address on this public blog

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