
10 Января 2025
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Firefox: S3.Translator

S3.Translator - это дополнение к браузеру, которое упростит вам посещение не русскоязычных сайтов.

Paul B (гость)
Hello guys, I like very much this addon, it helps me a lot, but I think is a little more abusive.. So, when I press the copy button from the bottom of S3 google translator, a pop-up window appears on the right corner of the browser witch tells me "Text copied to clipboard"... Ok, but it remains to much seconds there... I have to click on it to dissapeare... Why didn't put you an option for this??? I don't like this pop-up window, I hate it, and I even don't need it at all!!! I think, nobody need it, it's useless! So, please, can you update the addon with an option like this? Thank you.

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